The Casted Eggs.

What did the eggs in a basket teach you?

Do i know the story or did it lose meaning? I suppose my interpretation is off but walk with me as i find meaning.

Life comfort comes in handy in spaces that we feel safe, in spaces that we can confide, in spaces that we can lay low and let the heat cool, in spaces that we can compromise and in spaces that we feel the tenderness of every touch and the sound of every heart beat.

Question comes; what is beyond this space? What happens when the space gets stuffy, flooded and uncomfortable? What happens when there is no clarity, purpose or even meaning?

The unfair rule is that we stopped playing when we got to the elevated end, we thought we had what it took but clearly we needed more effort, more work and commitment. You could ask, why the comfort then if the aftermath was to be this uncomfortable?

The casting of the eggs was important but the basket did not last long enough to serve its purpose. The loss is major but the lesson is forever. The spaces we have, the rooms we have created, the ambience and atmosphere will one day get some compromise. What to do at this point, ? One cannot go back in time to change course but the pathway is clear. One cannot change the feels in the present but at least they know where it stings. You can either choke from the stuffy air or you find way to get fresh air. Change is uncomfortable but what can your will do? Do you have the Faith, Hope or even the Trust? ..yours to answer.

The egg carrier doesn’t have the power but the basket does. The destination does not matter but the safety does.  

Until next time… βœŒοΎοƒ.

Author: Makana Perpetua

Its life we learn, we fail and we will never be the same again..a dynamic process.

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