Solid Thoughts

Ever wondered whats on peoples mind?What do they perceive of other people, their feelings, whats morally right or wrong? What keeps them awake at night or what sends them to slumber? What do they define as their good day, the energy they radiate and the wins that they wish to accomplish? What’s the motivation? What’s the deal breaker or in short what’s makes them do what they do or be who they are?

You see, this is all in my head whats on yours?

Have you met people who disregard everything by everything i mean the key solid things that are termed to be their responsibility? That.. cannot be pushed any further because i presume their will is dead and if its not, my bad, that came out as harsh, i didn’t intend to though.
Sanity is normally overrated until you meet the unconscious version of it. Yes we may question what goes around our environment but are the people you/we keep or the things you hold dear supporting your wellness, beliefs and what not? Hard question right? Do an evaluation.

What you think, what you value, what makes you sleep is very different from others. Who you keep, the reason is well known to you but are their reasons genuine and what of their intentions? The miles you go for them, will they cover half of it if the sky was falling on your end? Half thought ain’t it?
Sometimes we spend time in our heads trying to figure things out but do you know where the answers are? Right on your face, daily interactions, breakdown responses and active conversations. How was the last approach? The last solution and the last promise?

Too hard on self? Mh! Loosen up ? No!

The solid thoughts that we have, the will to be right by self and others, the moral dilemma and differentiation, the lack of sleep after conscious deviations that’s who we are. That’s the conscious you. But the big question is, have you made a step from the self evaluation after a breakdown? Did you fulfill the promise that you vowed to? Or it’s just another day of when push comes to shove?

Solid thought for another day!

Author: Makana Perpetua

Its life we learn, we fail and we will never be the same again..a dynamic process.

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